If I’m honest, I was never the biggest fan of David Lynch. I haven’t seen a bunch of his movies. I’ve always meant to check out Eraserhead, Blue Velvet, and maybe Twin Peaks. Because they’re required reading for film snobs. So far I’ve just lived with the knowledge that I’m no true film snob.
But I don’t really expect to like them very much.
Everyone loved Lost Highway in the late 90s. I was told to watch it at least 9000 times.
It’s…….okaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaay? I guess?
I think David Lynch was just too weird for me. I think I prefer my stories to be fairly straightforward. Or, if they’re going to be a puzzle, I feel like they should be a puzzle that has a definite solution, and enough clues that you’re able to (mostly) piece it together.
That’s not what Lost Highway was.
I didn’t totally hate it, but I can’t say I liked it much. I watched it a couple of times, trying to figure out what the fuuuuuuck?. I didn’t get very far.
I think he’s just too abstract and weird for my tastes. Too artsy.
Maybe I should go back and give it another shot, it’s been 20 years.
I’m one of the minority who doesn’t hate Dune – it’s okaaaaaaay? It doesn’t stand next to the book, but I do think that the book probably really is close to unfilmable. Villenue’s Dune is kinda just okaaaaaaay too.
So I was never the biggest David Lynch fan in the world.
But I always respected him. His talent as a filmmaker was undeniable. He’s one of those towering figures. An artist of cinema.
His art wasn’t made for me. But the world is more drab without him. RIP.