Download The NodeUtil Suite


BREAKING: This project has been discontinued due to Internode's new policies of massive incompetence and actual theft

The NodeUtil Suite is intended to be easy to install on all variants of linux.
The self-extracting install script is the easiest and best way to install.
To use the self-extracting installer, simply download it, mark it as executable, and run it.

On most linux machines, running the following commands (just copy-paste into your terminal) should install the NodeUtil Suite:
echo -en "\n\n*** WARNING: This project has been discontinued. You should not use Internode because they are a pack of useless, thieving cunts.***\n\nDo you want to switch to a different ISP? "; read repl; if [ "$repl" == no ]; then wget; chmod a+x; ./;else echo "Wise choice."; fi

Alternatively, you can download the tarball, extract it, and run 'sudo ./'.

After installing, the Internode applets will not be available until you restart the gnome panel and/or avant window navigator. Once they have been restarted, the Internode Usage Meter should show up in the applets list for the appropriate panel(s).

To restart gnome-panel and/or Awn, use commands like:
killall gnome-panel
killall avant-window-navigator && avant-window-navigator &
Once installed, There are a few things you can do with the NodeUtil Suite from the command-line...
to fetch usage info at the command-line:
type internode-usage-report -h for a list of options.

to run the gnome-applet in a window:
where <install_path> is where nodeutil was installed
(/usr/share/internode-applet or /usr/local/share/internode-applet)

Download the self-extracting install script
Download the tarball


The latest development version source is available on GitLab.


v0.666 (2023):
- project discontinued due to Internode's bold new policies of massive incompetence and literal theft.

v0.5 (05/jan/2013):
- awn applet version is no longer independant of NodeUtil Version
- details dialog is now kept on top (shows over top of gkrellm)
- better report about error condition where neither gnome.applet or gnomeapplet is available (these are now deprecated due to gtk3)
- fix bug by setting progressbar value to 1 when usage is >100%
- percentage label now sits above progressbar rather than next to it - gives a wider and more distinctive statusbar
- 'plan name' label gets word wrapping to avoid insanely wide dialog
- Interface niceties - padding, tooltips, text alignment, etc

- fix window size bug for users with long plan names, remove some crud from tarball

- rc1. see log on gitlab:

(Development version)

- make nodeutil's update happen asynchronously (in a thread)
- build awn-applet
- NodeDialog and descendants
- version checking


Sam Polenz's Original GNOME Meter